Wednesday, September 16, 2009

People don't really care.

Prove me wrong.


Lauralei said...

Am I a people?

Greggy said...

I'm talking about people as a whole... not on such a personal level. you've proved to me time and again that you're one of the exceptions to the rule... I just feel like too many people are passive, aloof, noncommittal and apathetic. your one of the few people my age who I actually look up to. this world is full of people who just don't really care about much of anything...

At least that's how I'm feeling right now. That's why I'm looking for evidence otherwise.

Lauralei said...

No, I understand exactly what you're saying. And...on many a note as well. Like, what's going on right now with the way our generation is living...say ages teens to early adults. What are we doing? How are we acting towards others around us who are lost and living a hopeless life? What are we doing sitting around acting like a bunch of regular people, doing things (not exactly good things) that saved people shouldn't even be doing...we're supposed to be like Christ. And walk the way He did. I mean of course, we're humans, we're always going to mess up...but at least...TRY to walk in His steps. I'm not really yelling at you, and I'm not really yelling at me, even though I could be doing much more than I already's just a frustration and a question I've been asking myself and our current generation. What the heck are we doing???

Sorry, I know I got a little off topic...but I feel the same way, so many people are apathetic, call themselves "Christians," who should be there for their friends, and they're living a life in which if someone who's lost looked at them, they'd never see Christ. It's just sad...

Lauralei said...

I might just have to blog about that now...

Greggy said...

I'd love if you would.