Sunday, February 14, 2010

Come now, kumquat.

Small. Orange. Beautiful.

I hold you in my hand.

I look at your exterior.

Unlike the rind of others;

Yours is sweet, delicious.

But I know your secret.

Beneath your sweet exterior,

You house something less than desirable.

Acetic bitterness;

a sour core.

The complementary juxtaposition-

It causes dissonance.

Sweet or sour, please choose one.

It would make life much simpler.


Christen Gale said...

I love how you can write a nice poem about fruit. Inspiring.

Becca Joy said...

The title to this is brilliant. Go figure, considering the person who wrote it. I hope I make you feel good about yourself sometimes, Greggy. I enjoyed this poem quite a bit!